Front and Center with Marine Veteran Semper Sarah

This week has been one of those “Flexibility is the key to airpower” kind of weeks. And, as any of my friends and family can tell you, I don’t do well with those. I can flex but I don’t particularly like it. I like plans, detailed ones that don’t change, decisions that have been fully researched, and people where they said they would be when they said they would be there. When that doesn’t happen, I get a little grouchy – until I take a breath a realize that it is what it is and that the only way to a solution is forward through what is, not wishing for what I wanted it to be. The military, age, and a husband who loves to throw me curve balls have all helped me relax a little but that doesn’t mean I can’t use more help, which is where Semper Sarah comes in.

Now, this isn’t a traditional interview and I feel like I cheated a little here but my original interviewee had to cancel due to personal and professional commitments (She’s a veteran business owner, mom of three, wife to a deployed husband, and the Navy just told them they have to PCS in December, so can you blame her? I can’t.) and my attempts to find another person to interview on short notice crashed and burned. (Like I said – it was that kind of week.) So, I improvised. That said, I think you are going to find this story pretty incredible.

Semper Sarah, aka Sarah Plummer, is the daughter of a C-130 pilot and an AFROTC cadet turned Marine Corps Intelligence Officer, Iraq veteran, 5 time Military Olympian (she’s captain of the soccer team), a fellow V-WISE graduate, published author, motivational speaker, yoga instructor, and world traveler. She is also Murphy’s (as in Murphy’s Law) favorite target – including broken arms and legs, being struck by lightning, hit by a car, had a mini-stroke, 13 or so concussions, 6 herniated disks, and, perhaps worst of all, being raped by a fellow servicemember. And yet, despite all that, her motto is Just Roll With It™ and she is busy building a holistic health empire, complete with bootcamps and yoga retreats in Costa Rica, based on that mentality.

Two weeks ago she did a Google chat session on VetNetHQ (a vet resource I will talk more about next week) where she talked about her background, gave a few business tips, and passed on some free health advice. While the interview doesn’t give any resources vets can use to start or grow their business, the way the programs I’ve covered this week do, she does provide a few principles that she has relied on to develop her own business, which vet business owners might find useful.

Here’s the link to the video, along with her notes that expand on the topics she covers.

© 2013 – 2020, Sarah Maples LLC. All rights reserved.

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