• Command Your Business

    So, the joke in the intel world used to be that the best intel officer isn’t he who knows the most, but he who steals the most. So, I gotta give…

  • Farmer Veteran Coalition

    Yesterday we talked about a program that can help you find an apprenticeship, and ultimately a job, in the construction industry. But what if you’re more of a country mouse than…

  • Helmets to Hardhats

    While the tide seems to be turning slightly on veteran, particularly Post-9/11 veteran, employment, many veterans remain in the job hunt (about 6-7% of vets overall and just over 9% for…

  • Pathways Programs

    In a recent discussion on the Veteran Mentor Network group on LinkedIn, someone asked “How am I supposed to get experience if no one will give me any?” There are several…

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